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Do you know 20 kinds of food that dogs can't eat?

Views: 33     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-08-27      Origin: Site

Do you know 20 kinds of food that dogs can't eat?

It is not a trivial matter to raise a dog. Many novices do a lot of preparation before they raise a dog to understand dogs. So what do you need to know first is what dogs can't eat?


1. Chocolate / Coffee / Strong Tea (Fatal)

These foods contain theobromine, caffeine, theophylline and other ingredients. If the dog is taken, it will reduce blood flow in the brain and damage their heart and central nervous system.

2. Grapes / raisins (Fatal)

Grapes and raisins can cause nephrotoxicity (renal failure). Even if you feed the dog with apples, watermelons, etc., you need to remove the skin and seeds.

3. Mushroom food (Fatal)

Mushroom foods contain toxins. If they are eaten by dogs, they may affect multiple systems in their bodies and even cause their shock or death.

4. Onion / Garlic (Dangerous)

Onions contain disulfide, which is harmless to humans, but if the dog eats it, it will cause red blood cells to oxidize, which directly causes the dog to provide the oxygen it needs.

5. Liver (Dangerous)

In fact, a small amount of liver consumption is beneficial to dogs. But because the liver contains high levels of vitamin A, if you eat too much liver, it can cause vitamin A poisoning or excessive vitamin A.

6. Chicken bones and broken bones (Dangerous)

Chicken bones and broken bones can easily pierce the dog's throat and cut the esophagus and stomach, so remember not to give the dog a dog directly after eating the chicken, especially those broken bones.

7. Raw eggs (Dangerous)

The protein contains an avidin protein, which depletes the vitamin H in the dog's body, which is an indispensable nutrient for dog growth and health promotion.

8. Raw meat (Dangerous)

There are a lot of parasites and bacteria in the raw meat.It is very dangerous for dogs eat meat. So if you want to feed the meat, you must cook the meat at least 8 minutes before you can give it to the dog.

9. Seafood, river fresh food (Dangerous)

Aquatic foods can cause indigestion in dogs if they are eaten by dogs. In particular, uncooked river prawn, river crabs can cause parasitic infections and severe allergic reactions.

10. Yeast dough / alcoholic drinks (Dangerous)

Alcoholic beverages contain alcohol that can damage the liver and kidney function of dogs, causing them to be poisoned or comatose, which can lead to death.

11. Avocado (Dangerous)

The leaves, seeds and whole fruits of avocados should not be given to dogs. If you eat them, it may cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs, which can cause great harm to the body.

12. Citrus oil (Dangerous)

Citrus oil can cause vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms in dogs, so don't let dogs eat them.

13. Macadamia Fruit (Dangerous)

Macadamia nuts contain an unknown toxin that destroys the dog's digestive and nervous system muscles.

14. Human drugs (Dangerous)

Humans and dogs have great differences in body shape and digestion. If dogs eat human medicines and do not measure them, they may cause drug poisoning in dogs.

15. Tobacco / Cannabis (Dangerous)

Dogs are not like humans. Nicotine in cigarettes directly attacks the dog's nervous system and digestive system. Cannabis or drugs can harm dogs more.

16. Plum (Dangerous)

It is no problem to eat food like plums, but the digestive tract of dogs is no better than humans. Ingestion of plums can cause blockage of the digestive tract.

17. Moldy/corrupted food (Dangerous)

Do not give food to the dog after the shelf life has caused moldy and spoiled food. The toxins inside will also cause the dog to vomit and diarrhea, which will seriously cause the decay of other organs.

18. Milk (Not recommended)

Dogs are not suitable for drinking milk because many dogs are born with lactose discomfort, especially when they are puppies. If you drink milk, you will have a series of symptoms such as fart, diarrhea, dehydration, inflammation, etc. You must stop feeding or change to lactose-free milk.

19. High-salt, high-sugar, high-fat foods (Not recommended)

These high-salt foods and spices, which are eaten into the dog's stomach, increase their kidney and liver burden, making their sense of smell slow. Like humans, high-sugar foods can cause obesity, and dogs should not eat more.

20. Cat food (Not recommended)

Cat food contains taurine, which can help to improve vision. If the dog eats too much, it will lead to excess taurine in the body, which will lead to poisoning reaction.

Therefore, your pet intimate butler Petstar suggests that before feeding to the dog, you must understand whether these things are really suitable for it, so as not to cause a big disaster!


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