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How to choose dog food?

Views: 63     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-07-31      Origin: Site

How to choose dog food?

There are more and more people raising dogs now, and eating dog food is more conducive to dog health. But for any dog, there is no such thing as the best dog food. Because different brands of dog food have different nutritional components and ratios, the focus is different. We should choose dog food suitable for dogs according to the actual needs of dogs. Now let us know how to choose dog food for dogs!

图片123 food classification

The current dog food is divided into commercial grain and natural grain. Good ingredients are definitely helpful for the growth of pet dogs. Natural food can be selected. Natural food refers to foods that are natural and contain no preservatives, antibiotics, growth hormones, etc.

2. Brand selection

We often see a variety of dog food in the market, so how do we choose a brand?

* Do not choose the recommendation of low production environment standards;

*Select the products of professional manufacturers;

* Check the brand related information and word of mouth before buying.

* Try to buy a relatively fresh production date;

* Purchase branded products with perfect after-sales service;

3. Protein requirements

High-quality protein is the first priority in selecting dry food. The protein content of dog dry food should be controlled at 26% to 30%. Too little is easy to cause malnutrition. Too much will cause physical burden to dogs, even overweight. Meat protein is more diverse and superior to cereal protein.

4. Particle size of dog food

At present, the market is mainly selling dry and wet food. Whether the dog food is of good quality or not can be found by observing the shape. Good quality dog food is generally regular in shape and uniform in particle size. If the dog grain is rough, even the specifications are large or small, which means that the production process is not mature, the quality of the dog food will not be too good. dog food with moderate grain size is good for dogs, and of course dogs tend to eat more.

5. Color and smell

Some inferior merchants now add some pigments to make the dog food look nutritious, and the color of the particles looks darker. There is a misunderstanding in color. Most dog food is made from chicken. Chicken meat is white meat, so dog food with high meat content is not necessarily dark. The dog's olfactory sensitivity is 40 times that of humans. Humans prefer the smell of smell or milk, but dogs are different. Dogs prefer the taste of meat and the taste of cockroaches. More than 90% of the dog food that is astringent is added to the attractant, try to choose some meat-flavored dog food.

6. Taste the taste yourself

The dog food package said that the dog food is puffed in a high temperature environment, and trying to eat a small amount of dog food is no problem. But if you taste the dog food is salty, don't buy it, because the dog's physique is different from that of the person, the dog can't get a lot of salt. Therefore, normal dog food is low in salt. If we feel salty, then the salt must exceed the standard. Long-term consumption of high-salt products is harmful to dogs.

Do you have any opinions on the selection of dog food? If this article is helpful to you, please forward it to more people in need.


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